Course curriculum

    1. Day 1 - Combatting Inflammation, Hormone Health & Genetics

    2. Day 2 - Gut Health, SIBO, Genetics, & Nutritional Deficiencies as a Root Cause

    1. Combating Inflammation at the Source - Kirsten Pearse

    2. Hack Your Hormone Health - Dr. Eric Osansky

    3. Uncover your gentic potential from the comfort of your own home - Joseph Cohen

    4. Decode Your Genes to Determine Diet & Lifestyle choices Leading to an Optimized You - Kashif Khan

    5. Combat SIBO & IBS in a Few Short Weeks - Kirsten Greene

    6. Deep Dive Into GUT Health & How to Identify Exactly What Is Wrong - Dawn Encian

    7. Nutrigenomics & How It Helps You to Personalize Your Diet & Supplementation Choices - Margie Gander

    8. Nutrient Deficiencies & Getting To The Root Cause of Your Symptoms at a Cellular Level - Dawn Encian

    1. Health GAP - Close the gap from where you are to where you want to be

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content